Day 21: Farmer’s Market

Woke up today after a solid 5:30 am bedtime, got ready in under 10 minutes & all but ran up the alley to meet friends at the farmer’s  market, in doing so answering the age old question: Does anyone really need to brush their hair before facing the world? One would think the answer would be no, but actually, yes. Yes they do. I still don’t really care.

For 15 TL, I bought 8 brown eggs, a bushel of chives, 2 pomegranates, a few apples and a bunch of bananas. In US dollars that translates to about $6.11. Killer deal. For anyone interested in Economics by the way, the exchange rate of the Lyra is rapidly declining. Two weeks ago, I believe it was about the conversion rate was a 2.2 ratio. Now the value has dropped, and it takes 2.46 TL for to match a US dollar. Very drastic.

BTW, New phrases to the vocab: Ne kadar (How much?), and numbers 1-6, and 10. I have no idea what 0, 7, 8, or 9 are but no one needs those.

In celebration of all of my fresh ingredients and newly de-grudged kitchen, I created a new recipe.  Admittedly, it’s a bit strange at first glance, but I really like it. My dinner was composed of this plus a can of beans. FYI I don’t endorse latter portion of this combo, but I’m playing the college card on that one.  Moving on…

Balsamic Yoğurt 

1 sm, sweet red apple, diced

3/4 cup of reasonably tart homemade yogurt

Handful of golden raisins

Generously drizzled with [the Julia version of] Balsamic Vinaigrette.

Honey (optional)

Dolmas, also called Grape Leaves are pictured on the left side of the plate. Still trying to decipher how it's seasoned, but the inside is filled with a flavored rice. Dolmas are served cold.

Sarma: seasoned rice, wrapped and rolled in grape leaves. Served cold. (Left) Also called Dolmas when prepared with eggplant.

Thought I would try this after ordering Sarma,  and receiving un unexpected side dish of yogurt and oregano to dip them in. At home, yogurt is sweetened, colored, and manipulated into a breakfast-disguised dessert. To see it au natural was an interesting. Personally, I like the tart version better because you can use it in a thousand different ways- and I appreciate multifunction 🙂

More recipes to come!

P.S. Happy Valentine’s Day.

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